八字教程 双语阅读:soup(英语):走出考点的重要性


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The was his -in-law, and all the were round the table in state. The and glass, with , , and fruit, to be all that had been for the .


The usual "grace" had been said, when a trim maid that a girl was at the door, who must see the about . "There is sick more than usual," she says; "but she must come in," the -in-.

"Let her come in here. You can never have your meals in peace!" said the 's wife .[Pg 14]


The soup and the girl came in , the quite to state her . She was a small, child, with a air and a face, as if sure of in her . Fresh in , her white head- stood out in a point , and her apron was spot or . Her shoes, they had been and were under high , did not with the rest of her . They had been made for a boy, an much than their . Great each other shut off some low, land near the toe, and how much of the sole had been too proud to touch the . All this the saw at once.

"Well, Tora!" said the , after she had her bob-, and "good-days" had been .

"May I sing for you?" said the girl, , as she took out a thin, black book from the small in which it had been .