
















Eight chart can help name, , birth date, and input the name in when . True solar time the input time into time based on the of the . If the birth time is not time (such as ), or you only know the birth time (such as dawn/ugly time), enter the birth time , not the sun time.

mode: only the of the Ten Gods and Four and the

mode: four and eight stems, stems and , time, ten gods, and Dayun

mode: used for more of four and eight , which can be : four , stems, years, stems and , time, four and ten gods, five sound, four and gods and evil , life fetal , of life, great and small , etc. you have luck

the eight , one can the basic of the eight and based on the four and eight . it is , , , or life, it is of value.

In eight , the first step is to the time, and then the stems and of the time from the 。 The stems and of the and earth the year, month, day, and hour of a 's birth, which form eight , also known as the four and eight 。 By using eight , one can know a 's , , luck, , , , etc。

their life。 Eight chart is the first step in eight , and one's own eight chart is 。 It is to the good and bad luck of the noble and the eight of Gan and Zhi alone。 The eight the five of Yin and Yang, the and Dizhi have the of Yin and Yang and the five , and have the of and 。

The and is also known as seal, print, , god of food, , , , , to , and 。 of the "ten gods" eight is luck。 on life such as , , and , while on life such as good , bad luck, and , known as fate。

eight chart not only helps their , but also them to take to their . For , the eight can guide to the the five and the four , their ; can also be taken to avoid and seek good based on the Eight ; In , the Eight Pai Pan can also on , , and , to cope with the .