
大清金币 光绪丙午年造 库平一两

● Qing gold coin made one or two

规格:直径:3.96cm 重:36.7g

: : 3.96cm, : 36.7g


大清金币 光绪丙午年造 库平一两 藏品介绍:


近日厦门伯得富有幸征集到 "光绪丙午年造 大清金币 库平一两"一件,

钱币规格直径:3.96cm 重:36.7g,光绪丙午年造大清金币,光绪三十二年(1906年)户部天津造币总厂试铸大清铜币丙午年,纯金铸造,”大清金币之珍贵由泉界耆宿的论述中可窥一二。1943年5月《泉币》第18期记载张 絅 伯于1920年间得吉林厂平三钱银币一枚背面铸有正面五爪金蟠龙一条,以干支纪年,这一年是丙午年。但是该金币铸造以后并没有发行流通,宣统二朝五种金币已被悉数囊括。顶边铸右读楷体“光绪丙午年造”六字,底边右读为“库平一两”。珠圈内部直读“大清金币”字样。顶边铸右读楷体"光绪丁未年造"六字,于是下令铸造金币,底边右读为"库平一两"。珠圈内部直读楷体"大清金币"字样。此枚钱币保存完好,几无损伤,包浆自然,字迹清晰,币背铸有正面五爪金蟠龙一条,祥瑞云朵围绕周围,实数珍品一件。



to one or two of Qing gold coins made at in the third day of reign;

Qing has a proud and in the long of China。 In the mid- of Qing , most of the coin- in the were , and the and of coins 。 Some that " in order to reap , to , one must make money by "。 , the court that the be based on the " yuan"。 The unify the and 。

The Mint was by the of to with a batch of major of the " Qing Gold and Coin" which are into seven , , long beard, short beard, beard, large tail and anti-。 Among them, the Qing gold coins were to Yuan 。 At that time, Mint was his 。 At the end of the year, in order to Cixi, it had 1,000 " Qing gold coins" to her, in case the a the 。 Two coins were cast in total for two years。 China had few gold coins, they were not in 。

China has a long of using gold coins. In the 2,200 years ago, Chu State used gold coins such as Ying Cuan as funds. In years, gold coins from the Han and Tang , such as five baht and , have been . The above money and some gold coins made in the later are not of many kinds. Most of them are not used in , but are made for or . , the is very rare.

, Bode has one or two gold coins of Qing made in the third day of the reign of .


Coin size : 3。96cm, : 36。7g, Qing gold coin was made in the third year of reign, and it was trial cast by Mint in the - year of reign (1906)。 It was made of pure gold。 " The value of Qing gold coin can be seen from the of in the world。 In May 1943, the 18th issue of Zhang? In 1920, Bo a coin from Jilin San Qian with a five-claw gold on the back, the year with the help of 。

This year is the year of 。 , the gold coin has not been and since it was , and the five gold coins of and the two have all been 。 The top side is with the words " made in the third year of reign" in on the right, and the side is with the words " " on the right。 the bead ring, the words " Qing gold coin" are read 。 The top side was with the words " Ding was not made in the year of " and the right side was with the words " "。

" Qing gold coin" bead ring。 This coin is well , , with paste and clear 。 The back of the coin is cast with a with five claws on the front。 The the coin。 It is a real 。

" Qing Gold Coin Made in the Third Year of " is a dead coin with a short time and a very small of money in the world. It is a rare for . " Qing gold coin made in the third year of reign" is still a . now it is that the gold coin was made in mint of Qing . the is not large, but it was not the " gold " the to was not . , the of " Qing gold coins made in the third year of " is a , but every time it , it among .

" Qing gold coins were made in the third year of reign". Coins like this have been the dream of big . Liu once said that the of such items is fate and .


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