
算命中的“四柱八字” 英文是?


eight about one's birth








四柱命理学 = The Four Life-ology(简称:Four 或 Ba Zi)


时辰八字 = Four of your

八字 = Ba Zi(;rls=com.%3Aen-USq=%22ba+zi%=)


八字不合 = Ba Zi


如果你怕别人看不懂,可用:Fate (命运匹配不合)。

周易算命 四柱八卦用英文怎么说?

周易算命 " -"

四柱八字或简称八字:Four of (Ba Zi)

八卦 The eight


The I Ching (Wade-Giles), or “Yì Jīng” (); also “ of ” or “Book of ” is one of the of the texts.[1] The book is a used to order in . The text an of and that is to . The on the ideas of the of , the of as a , and of the of (see , below). In and East Asia, the I Ching is as a of . The of a of , rules for these , poems, and .


By the time of Han Wu Di (汉武帝 Hàn Wǔ Dì) of the Han (circa 200 BCE), Shi Yi was often Yi Zhuan (易传 yì zhùan, “ on the I Ching”), and with the I Ching they Zhou Yi (周易 zhōu yì, “ of Zhou”).


* 易 (yì), while as a verb it “to “ or 'to / one thing for '.

* 经 (jīng) here means “ (text)”, from its of “” or “”, that the text the Way which will not the flow of time. This same was later to the word 'sūtra' into in to . In this sense the two , in as much as they mean ',' 'great ,' or ' ,' are .

The I Ching is a " of the in ." The word "I" has three : ease and , and , and .[2] Thus the three the I Ching are the :

1. - the root of the . The law in the is plain and , no how or some may to be.

2. - the use of the . in the is . By this one may the of in life and may thus the for with a of .


3. - the of the . While in the seems to be , among the tides there is a , a rule, which does not vary with space and time.

— 易一名而含三义:易简一也;变易二也;不易三也。 on by Zheng Xuan (郑玄 zhèng xúan) in his of I Ching (易赞 yì zàn) and on I Ching (易论 yì lùn) of Han .


* The four is an of the "Shi Chen Ba Zi".

* The term (时辰八字 , Shi Chen Ba Zi) to "Hour of the Eight ".

* It is also under the term (四柱命理学, sei cyu ming lei hok) which to "The Four Life-ology".

* It is to by the names of "Four " or "Ba Zi". One of the most used is "Four of your ".


The Bagua (: 八卦; : bā guà; Wade-Giles: pa kua; "eight ") are eight used in to a range of . Each of three lines, each "" or "," a yin line or a yang line, . Due to their , they are often to as "" in .

The are to Taiji and the Wu Xing. The I Ching of the 64 pairs of ( "") and on them. The among the are in two , the (先天八卦), " " or "Fuxi" bagua (伏羲八卦), and the (后天八卦), "Later ," or "King Wen" bagua. The have in , , , , , the , and .

The eight are: Qian 天, ";" Xun 风, "Wind;" Kan 水, "Water;" Gen 山, ";" Kun 地, "Earth," Zhen 雷 "," Li火, "Fire;" and Dui 泽, "Lake."
